Bye-week games to watch
(Written by kencraw)
One of the few fan benefits of a bye week, is it is a good chance to watch other games one might otherwise not have time for. Unfortunately, a couple of the teams I was interested in watching are themselves either on bye or play a meaningless game:
- BYU is playing an FCS team
- UCLA is on bye
But there’s still 4 I would suggest considering. Here’s what I would suggest (in order of importance):
- Stanford @ Oregon (5 PM PDT, ABC): Duh! Cal plays Oregon in one week, so it’ll be good to get a glimpse of them as they face their first meaningful opponent (it’s been all cupcakes for them thus far).
- Arizona @ Oregon State (1:00 PM, Pac-12 Net): If this overlapped with the higher priority game, I wouldn’t have included it. But, since the afternoon is devoid of other Pac-12 games (great scheduling again Pac-12!), might as well make it a quadruple-header. Cal plays both teams in the next month and it will be good to know if either team has anything to be feared.
- ASU @ UW (7:30 PM, ESPN) I expect UW to kick the tar out of ASU, despite ASU having over-achieved thus far. However, if I’m wrong, when that Oregon game wraps up and if this is a close one, switch on over. However, if it’s a snoozer as expected, perhaps 3 games was enough and it’s time for bed. That way you’ve got no excuse Sunday morning and hopefully will make it to Church. 🙂
- Pittsburgh @ North Carolina (9:20 AM, ACC-NE): UNC missed their game with UCF due to the hurricane. It will be interesting to see if they bounce back from their loss to ECU and show some backbone. Again, since there is no conflict, why not?
So there you have it… get up early and watch 4 games with no more than an hour break in between and hopefully only about an hour of over-lap on the late games. Enjoy!
(Oh, don’t forget the WSU @ USC game tonight as well)