USC Podcast
(Written by kencraw)
My USC Podcast which was recorded on the way home from the rain soaked game is finally posted.
You’ll notice that the background noise is much, much, much better than previous games that I recorded in the car on the way home. This is due to two improvements. #1: I bought a noise canceling headset/microphone to record the podcasts. #2: I’m using noise filtering software to further reduce the background noise. While the noise canceling headset/microphone was probably sufficient and made a HUGE difference on its own, it also reduced the background noise level to a degree that software filtering would actually work without introducing a bunch of noise artifacts. The combination of the two nearly entirely eliminated the background noise and I’m very happy with the result. I intend at some point to make a post about the research that went into the solution with audio samples of each stage.
In any case, the podcast is now available to be listened to on the podcast page.