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Archive for the ‘On The Road Home’ category

Oregon State OTRH Podcast

Another week where I missed the game in person, but this time I was at least able to record my post-game thoughts. Enjoy:


Sorry this is so ridiculously late. Got into my bad habits and didn’t publish it on Sunday and once the week got started, I was never able to catch up. However, it was recorded just after the game (technically after the Stanford AT USC game), so it is still a “on the road home” podcast. Enjoy:

Utah OTRH Podcast

Nice to get back in the win column. Here are my post-game thoughts:

Washington OTRH Podcast

Well that was a tough one to watch. While there was hope up until the last seconds, it just never happened and the impressive play that marked the Colorado game just wasn’t repeated. Here are my post-game thoughts, recorded just after the game:

Presbyterian OTRH Podcast

Sorry this is a little later than usual… OK, maybe not usual when looking at prior seasons, but usual from this season. I’m trying to be better about publishing this on Sunday. Lot’s of commentary about Tedford’s record and AT&T:

Colorado OTRH Podcast

I hope everyone’s ticker is still working after that nailbiter. I know I was pacing the room like a caged… um… bison perhaps?

In any case, after I thoroughly woke up the 2 month old baby with my victory antics and helped calm her back down, I recorded my thoughts:

Fresno State OTRH Podcast

After reviewing the feedback, frankly I was surprised just how many people wanted to continue to hear me speak. Thanks for that 🙂 . That said, there seemed to be enough support for going to an unedited format that I want to give it a try. So listen here to my first un-edited edition. Please give me your feedback. Were the extra pauses and stutters detrimental, or easy to ignore?

Overall, who can’t be happy after Saturday, so hopefully this will keep the enjoyment going.

Washington OTRH Podcast

Obviously Saturday was a tough day, but I think I took that loss harder than most. You’ll hear me at my worst in this podcast. “Enjoy”:

Big Game OTRH Podcast

Since the team has been responding to my late posted podcasts so well (dripping with sarcasm), I decided to keep the trend going this week. Or perhaps I needed about 2 days to completely ignore Cal football to get some sanity back.

But if you want to listen to me rant and rave before taking that much needed sanity break, here’s your chance:

Oregon OTRH Podcast

Another late week for posting the On The Road Home Podcast. As always it was recorded right after the game, I just took my sweet time posting it. Well, “sweet” might be the wrong word. Is there a word that means “desperately searching for some available”? Things have just been crazy busy between added Church commitments that are taking the vast majority of Sunday, and Monday and Tuesday evenings down, as well as kids activities and work being busy enough that I haven’t been able to steal the hour or so needed to do this on borrowed time.

In any case, it’s late, but enjoy:

Washington State OTRH Podcast

For those who predicted my overly optimistic due date for the publishing of this podcast on Sunday, well, you were right. Always more going on that I care to remember.

In any case, excuse my length rambling in this one… I had a lot to say about our vision for our beloved Bears. Enjoy:

Oregon State OTRH Podcast

Here my thoughts from immediately after the debacle in Corvallis: What will the team be like without Riley? Have we handled Mansion correctly up until now? What else went wrong? You’ll hear about it all. While not exactly early (I always shoot for Sunday), at least I’ve got it posted during the right week.

Listen and weep:

Arizona State OTRH Podcast

Yes, you read that title right, the ridiculously, as in over a week old content that I recorded on the way home from the game, old podcast. Consider it for the record.

Saturday Night Dead (OTRH/EMFMV 2010 #5 combo)

Usually after a game, Ken records his thoughts. Well, Ken was sitting at home, Jason was sitting at his home, neither of us were going to sleep anytime soon, so we let it all out. Here it is. A dramatic post-loss podcast that serves as both an On the Road Home and an EMFMV combo. And to the guy in the liveblog asking why we posted our podcast on Thursday last week: enjoy this early one!

We talk about Cal losing 10-9 to Arizona. We are confused about the Pac-10. We don’t know what to make of UCLA. We don’t think the UCLA-WSU game will tell us anything. We are happy about Cal’s defense but confused about the offense. We are confused in general. Also, we mention still-beating hearts being ripped out of chests, get Tucson confused with San Diego, Jason does live play by play of a game that is now over, and more. If you ever wished you could bottle the feeling of two guys talking about Cal in the immediate aftermath of a loss, WISH NO MORE!

You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

Nevada OTRH Podcast

I think all of us wonder what the rest of us are like after a loss like this, stewing in our living rooms over the disaster that unfolded. Sometimes you get an insight into that in these podcasts… but not today. For some reason I fairly quickly calmed down when recording this one. Although a bit of that seething fury started rearing its ugly head during the discussion of the read option.


Colorado OTRH Podcast

Yet another edition published on Sunday. Don’t go having a heart attack. This is the NEEEWWW Ken Crawford, no longer a Rivals reporter and not spending all Sunday writing articles and has time to both relax after Mass and publish a podcast and a post or two.

Sorry again for the poor audio quality. Last week I thought it was the train, but when it was bad this week I realized I had my audio recorder on the high sensitivity setting, which has me over-driving the DAC. So we shouldn’t have this problem starting next week.

UC Davis OTRH Podcast

Sorry in advance for the audio quality of this one. The noise level on Amtrak, even with my semi-expensive noise-canceling headset was hard to filter out, even with significant software efforts. What results is something with too much microphone noise mixed with too much digital distortion, but it was the “sweet point” of as little of each as possible.

Luckily I think the content is good enough to suffer through the audio issues. Enjoy:

Big Game OTRH Podcast

I know everyone’s already got a weak heart after that game, but don’t go falling over when you see my On The Road Home podcast is up the day after the game. I even got in my obligatory yard work and fixed the break in the sprinkler line. I think you can thank Versus, because if it had been on some other channel that wasn’t having a 15-round knockout fight with DirecTV, I’d be re-watching the game all day on my Tivo. As it stands, I’ve just got to imagine it in my head. Here’s the podcast:

Arizona OTRH Podcast

Another week, another On The Road Home Podcast. Sorry for the sickly voice. It actually came out better than I hoped, but it’s still pretty bad.

Oregon State OTRH Podcast

The On The Road Home podcast is up. I’m getting better, it’s only Wednesday morning.

Since it was a home game, no interview quotes in this one, but as a bonus you do get to see the darker side of Ken in this one (remember that is really is recorded on the way home from the game, so no time to get one’s emotions in check).