Okanes laid off
It’s really tough sledding in the newspaper reporter business these days and Jonathan Okanes from the Bay Areas Newspaper Group, which includes his “home” paper of the Contra Costa Times, the Oakland Tribune and many other smaller East Bay papers, has been laid off as a result of those tough times.
I wanted to quickly share that I had the chance to work with him the entire time I was working for Rivals and always enjoyed his company. He was very professional and courteous, plus easy to get along with. Frankly, he always took the lead at press conferences and set the tone. There will be a void in Cal Bear reporting that might be difficult to fill.
I’m very sorry to hear him go, and I wish him and his family the best (he has young kids as I do). Hopefully he’ll land on his feet with another job, one that in the end will be even better than the Cal beat for BANG.